Tagged: Email

Parking Advisory for A’s vs. Giants Series

A helpful heads up A’s fans… parking for the weekend series vs. the San Francisco Giants will be a little different. Parking lot staff will be directing automobiles into specific rows and spaces. We do this so that we can fit as many vehicles into the parking lot as possible for these capacity crowds. On Wednesday, June 15 at 10:00 a.m. PT we sent a message to all fans with email that have tickets to these games. Here’s the information from the email

“In order to provide as much on-site parking as possible for the sold out A’s vs. Giants series, A’s staff will be directing parking lot traffic during the June 17-19 games. Vehicles will be waved into specific rows in the parking lot. Once rows are filled, fans can tailgate in the lanes. The A’s recommend traveling to the Coliseum by BART. If arriving by vehicle, the A’s recommend early arrival. Parking is $17.”   

Enjoy the A’s vs. Giants series Friday, June 17 through Sunday, June 19. Go A’s! 

All Quiet On The Western Front? Hardly

Not a single blog last week. You must think we were out. Or idle. But au contraire, we’ve been busy. The Ticket Operations offseason is typically more busy than during the season. Sure the days of summer are long, working from morning-to-night, and seven day work weeks are common place. The foundation, however, is secure. Improvement projects can be the focus while the ticket machine moves along. In the offseason the focus is building that foundation. It is a tedious process. Checking, re-checking, cross-checking. Investigating new forms of communication and technology, and how to implement, to better serve our guests. The development process is the focal point and it requires a lot of attention to administer.

This week we continue to prepare the 2009 ticketing system, invoices and information, online renewal capabilities, and Spring Training details. Soon you will have all of this information at your finger tips, via the internet and in paper form thanks to our friends at the U.S. Postal Service. But what do you prefer? Renewal information by traditional mail or an email reminder with details hosted at oaklandathletics.com? Many of us in the office welcome and explore opportunities to bank online. Are you much the same? Or is baseball, a traditional game by many standards, a notice that you want in a traditional method? If the web savvy could have just one choice- postal or email- which do you decide?